Tag: watercolor crayons

  • Getting Back to Watercolor Crayons

    When I was asked recently to put together a card using Watercolor Crayons, I wasn’t sure how it was going to go; but I decided I was up for the challenge.  The person really liked a card by Meg Loven using the Simply Soft set and so I looked around my craft room and spied…

  • More Watercoloring Card Samples–crayons & markers

    Today I wanted to share a couple more samples from my watercoloring class.  In my last post, I shared a card we did using chalks and for today, I thought I’d show some cards using watercolor crayons and markers.  As you can see, the medium you use for your watercoloring gives you totally different effects!…

  • Watercoloring Techniques: Inks and Watercolor Crayons

    Each month I run at least one technique class to give folks a chance to try something different or learn new ways to use something they might already have.  Well, a recently ran my popular watercoloring technique night during which we made 5 cards, each using a different method for watercoloring.  It was so much…