Tag: display board samples

  • 2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Mint Macaron!

    2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Mint Macaron!

    Ok I’m finally getting the last set of projects up on the blog!  It’s been a busy week with Caitlin’s gymnastics show (or really, in her case, bouncing around the floor :)) and then Nicholas’ kindergarten graduation and then HIS gymnastics performance on Saturday.  Then it is officially SUMMER!  I’m not sure whether to be…

  • 2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Cucumber Crush!

    2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Cucumber Crush!

    It’s Day 3 of my display samples share!  Since Friday I’ve been sharing projects I created for the 2016 OnStage Display Boards in Salt Lake City.  We’ve done Watermelon Wonder, Tip Top Taupe, and so today I’m going to be sharing projects highlighting ways to use your Cucumber Crush! Now, I know some folks LOVE…

  • 2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Tip Top Taupe!

    2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Tip Top Taupe!

    Welcome to Day 2 of my display stamper shares for the 2016 OnStage Display Boards in Salt Lake City!  Yesterday I kicked things off by sharing the samples I made with Watermelon Wonder and today I’m back with a little Tip Top Taupe for you. As I mentioned yesterday, the way it worked is they…

  • 2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Watermelon Wonder!

    2016 OnStage Display Board Samples–Watermelon Wonder!

    Woo Hoo! Can you feel the excitement?  The new Annual catalog is only a few days away from releasing and with it some super duper awesome new stamps, dies, and accessories I can’t wait to get my hands on!  I was lucky enough to be selected as a display stamper for the 2016 OnStage demonstrator…