Tag: celebrate today

  • Sharing a Few of my Favorite Swaps

    After coming back from the Stampin’ Up convention, I had a TON of swap cards… ok, more like 120, but still, that feels like a ton!  I spent time over the last few days photographing the cards and finally have pictures of all of them.  I posted them all of my team facebook group (so…

  • Wednesday Walkthrough: Birthday Card with the Hello You Thinlits

    In an effort to help encourage myself to stick to the plan to do at least one video a week, and since folks seem to be liking the tutorial videos I’ve posted lately, I’ve decided to start a new feature on my blog – Wednesday Walkthroughs! The idea is that each Wednesday, I’ll walk you…

  • Fun with Washi Sheets–a birthday card and NEW CLASS by MAIL!

    I will admit, I saw the washi sheets when they came out in the Occasions Catalog and I didn’t give them too much thought.  Sure, washi was fun, but did I really need sheets of them?  Well, I finally decided to get a pack and start playing and turns out that having bigger pieces of…

  • A Cheery Birthday Card with Celebrate Today and Balloon Framelits

    Happy Monday!  I figured we could all use a bit of sunshine and cheer to kick off our week, so I thought I would share one of the cards from my recent Birthday Card Bash Class.  A little while back my friend Breelin posted on instagram a pile of cards she had received and I…