Tag: photo corner punch

  • Pictures from Mom and Me

    What a whirlwind spring!  There have been tons of family visits, stamping events, and work deadlines.  That has kept me away from my computer as much as normal but also means I have a backlog of great things to show you!    First up, I thought I would share some of the projects we did…

  • Using Crystal Effects

    So tonight was our Crystal Effects night, and I think everyone learned something new – myself included!  I ended up staying up late last night as I kept finding new ways to use crystal effects that I wanted to try.  If you haven’t heard of crystal effects, it is this great thick clear liquid laquer…

  • Is it possible to craft without making a mess?

    Well, I’m going to have to make this post quick, but I thought I would post the progress I’m making on a project since it seems to be taking me a while to complete it.  🙂 So, on Sunday (or was it Monday?) I started trying to get things together for my open scrap day…